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Share Yours Internet Online Goals!

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  • Pip
  • 1 posts

I'd like for you to share with other members your goals. Short Term and Long term is applicable.

For instance my short term goal is to start up my newest website and reach a high PR and top positions for my keywords and once done so proceed to launch my second and so on until all 5 are successfully launched.

Long term I am looking at a career in the computing industry after getting my computer science degree. I hope to run a few websites in my spare time whilst writing and publicizing a few quality ebooks.

I personally will only work to the point where it does not affect my social/family life. If there is opportunity to make a few extra unnecessary dollars but will use up my time with others then I would surely say no.

These are my future online goals...

What are yours?
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    BSOD Warrior/Computer Surgeon

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  • 2,854 posts
Revolutionize and secure the internet.

Ya that might take a while.
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  • PipPip
  • 14 posts
Make my own website with computer tech help, and spyware removal tutorials.
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