I am new here so I don't know if I am in the right area of the forum but here goes.I installed Windows 7 on my computer,it worked fine for 3 days then all of a sudden no matter what I did I kept getting a Windows Explorer stop responding and needs to close shutting down all running programs,I have found something that seems to work as I have been up and running again with no more issues for a couple of days so I thought I would join here and see if I can help others as this seems to be a big issue as of late.So here is what I did,I went to
http://www.dlldump.c...0/download.html downloaded the shmedia.dll file then I went to the Windows Folder and opened the System32 Folder and put the shmedia.dll file in the System32 Folder then rebooted the computer and no more Windows Explorer Errors. Hope this can be of some help for others that are frudtrated over this issue.I would imagine if this worked for Windows 7 then it will likely be the same for others on Windows Vista or Windows XP as those systems have the same issues. Hope this is of some help. Thanks for letting me post.