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unable to connecto to work vpn

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Hey everyone,

Not sure if anyone can help but thought I'd give it a try. My work set up access for me to connect to the vpn when I work from home. I'm unable to do this however. As soon as I log in, it just hangs indefinitely. I've spent countless hours on the phone with our help desk and the only thing they could come up with was that I was running IE 8 and my company was running 6. So I tried through Firefox, Chrome and even tried the IE pack of old browsers and turning off Zone Alarm and still had the same problem.

This past week my company upgraded to IE 8 but guess what? I still can't connect. I've investigated trying something like Team Viewer but I would have to get approval for it to be installed and use the vpn. I need the vpn because I need to access company proprietary software not just misc. files.

So...any thoughts on what might be causing me not to connect?

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I do use VIsta and I have to use VPN as well.. i found a way to get around it in IE8... there is an compatiablity in tools. if you click on the second one and type in *.whatever.com and it will take you to virtual IE7 and older verison. I found out the hard way when I was struggling to figure out how to get in my VPN. So try that first. :)

good luck.
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