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The future of malware and fighting it.

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Down With Malware!

Down With Malware!


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  • PipPipPip
  • 103 posts
This has been on my mind for a little bit now, what do you believe the future is for malware? Will the internet become a even more unsafe then it is now? Or will it be even more secure and malware becomes a thing of the past? There is new malware everyday but only a few has ever been "news breaking" and ripely spreading on peoples computers; for example the "MyDoom" worm that was supposedly made for a big Denial of Service attack, which if I am correct requires zombie computers to preform? Also the "I love you" letter ect.

I personally think that the internet will be a much safer place and future computers and firewalls, anti-malware programs will make it almost near impossible to break into. Although the expectation to this rule is for people using P2P programs and just not being safe. I don't see how malware and other things can completely take over the internet and for it to be a not too uncommon thing for a file to have some sort of malware in it, and just for the whole internet in general just be more of a war zone and Denial of Service attacks becoming common and such.

What are your thoughts on this?
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