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Mysterious Ethernet connection disappearance

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Hi all,

Just a quick intro before I get down to the nitty gritty. Been a long time techie, with limited, home taught knowlage. I am good around a operating system, but have only little understanding of the more complex stuff. Hopefully, some of you more knowlage able techie types will be ablet to impart some of your vast knowlage to me in the future.

However, to the important stuff. The other day, I was trying to connect my xbox up to my laptop, to get xbox live, and everything appeared normal. The system regestered the console and showed the ethernet connection as local. However, when I went to configure, my internet settings were frazzled, when was down for 2 hours as I was trying to get it sorted. Sorted the problem, but when I went for a second attempt, the coputer doesn't register a connection at all. It isn't seen on 'managing connections' or anything. It has just gone. Is there anyway of sorting this out e.g. reseting my network settings or something, to show the connection, or am I doomed to buy a wireless adaptor anyway. Thanks for reading my ramble... I mean post, and any help would be greatly recieved :) :) :)
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