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Laptop Cooling

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just got my laptop and decided it needed a cooler
after botching one up out of a 233mm side fan from a haf932, a 12v charger from a phone and a cardboard box i was quite happy with the outlook and the drop of 10'C (for now its a cheap solution)

so after my botching, i patrolled the net for some good laptop coolers. i was shocked at the fact all the fans run at five volts due to usb ports running at five and that they where all tiny in comparison to my contraption.
it left me thinking i might just get some thin aluminium and make a proper frame.

has anyone seen any better coolers or made one that works really well?
what sort of temp drop has anyone got?

Edited by Cl455icCh4o5, 05 March 2010 - 06:55 PM.

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Shopping at Wallmart there was this one I saw that seemed pretty good.
I don't know how much your willing to spend but here's my suggestion.

To be honest I haven't bought a cooler yet :)
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