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UpsideDown Acer "NOT!"

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You ALL have been so helpful with your expertise (maybe some will wear off!), and since nothing seems insurmountable for GTG I have another scenario.
You may remember I wanted to mount my Acer upside down in the vehicle, change the screen orientation and with a remote keyboard/finger mouse, open it like a visor and get to work!
NOT! The lap top performed fine upside down, sideways or diagonally. It turned out in the end it was shear size that mattered.
Now before you censor me, this has nothing to do with body parts, it has everthing to do with computer parts. The lap top is much to large to do a "clean" install. But then I got to thinking, what if I buy a 10" monitor and mount that on the visor, run all needed cables from the monitor on the visor to the lap top. (kind of using the lap top as a tower)
I thought I could build a platform high in the back for the laptop, where it would be dry, cool and out of harms way,and be easily disconnected for out of vehicle use. Being I only have two USB's on the lap top the thought was to purchase a powered multi USB hub for the printer, remote keyboard/finger mouse. Is this feasible ?? Some of the monitors are touch screen enabled with USB and VGA inputs. Others are VGA only, some are USB only. Does the length of the VGA/USB cables matter? Is there a good place to purchase a small monitor? Should all these items be surge protected, or is a inverter on its own adequate? My question is, if you were going to do this in your vehicle and you wanted everthing to work correctly-how/what would you do?? What type of materials would you use??
Thank you,
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    Tech Staff

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This is how I'd do it. :)

There are adapters available to allow running your laptop directly from your vehicle's electrical system. Some of these protect against fluctuations in voltage, some do not. Power Adapters

I know that this method is not quite what you had in mind, but it's a safe, economical, and simple solution.
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    The Leather Lady

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gunn1, I am going to assume you are pulling our legs. However, if you really are driving while using your laptop while it's hanging from the sun visor, I hope a cop pulls you over before you kill somebody.

I do a lot of driving, and I always have my laptop. If the battery is low I can plug it into the power port that used to be a cigarette lighter before they charged more for non-smoking package cars. And my laptop fits on my, well, lap. If you are doing this for the benefit of a passenger, then please disregard my sarcasm. But be aware that looking at a laptop then at the road can make even an iron stomached person feel queasy. I hate cleaning THAT up in my car.
Good luck, and keep us informed.
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I am sorry about the incomplete info.

This will ONLY be used while stationary.
I am a on site job supervisor, which means I have to do "paperwork" daily. My truck is my office, the work is physical and can sometimes be dirty and wet.
Due to me being tall and left handed does not bode well for inputting, twisted off to the side or with it in my lap trying to run the mouse with it tight up against my stomach/chest.
Having a cup of coffee and a blueprint rolling around makes it even harder to keep everything sorted and clean.(I hope the above explains why I want to do this)
That is why I have this quest to get the lappy up/out of the way were it is clean, cool and dry. I have the printer in the rear on a fittment already and thought I would put the laptop in the same area. That way the inexpensive and easily replaceable remote key board takes the punishment while the expensive hardware is held harmless. So again what type of monitor? VGA/USB? VGA only? USB only? what type of cables? qualities? What would you do? Any pointers or ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
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As a side comment, you can get flexible waterproof keyboards. :)

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    The Leather Lady

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Sorry I misunderstood, gunn1. Check www.tigerdirect.com for options. It would seem you want a USB monitor that isn't too terribly big or heavy. I understand about the "truck is the office". Let us know what you work out, and I'd love to see pics when you get set up. It might help other people who want a similar set-up.
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Will a USB controlled monitor provide suffcient Clairity ? What if I purchased one of those add on monitors, like they use for dvd player installations ? Or is there some sort of software needed to get the Laptop to notice the new monitor ? So many ?'s

Thank you,
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    Tech Staff

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I haven't used one myself, but I've read reviews that USB monitors are pretty good for text and what-not but not much good for anything else such as movies etc...

I'm sure it'd be a simple install, most USB devices are.
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Thanks for all the valuable input!!!
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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your station excel question makes a lot more sense

have you thought about permanently mounting a computer in your car instead of mounting a laptop? there are a lot of micro-pcs these days that are designed to be mounted in the car and wired in to the electrical system. then you could mount a flip down screen in the ceiling and everything would be fine. since you wouldn't have to worry about finding space for the laptop (most of these little computers are TINY, and i mean TINY) they can fit under a seat or in a glove box (or behind the dash)
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That if fact is what started this whole thing bubbling in my head. You see originally the firm I work for went out two years ago and purchased 8 Motion Tablet computers for all of the on site foreman.
Most of the foreman used them by "hanging" the tablet on their steering wheel and then imputting data with the digital stylus. (very slow and tedious)
This did not work well for me, so I applied some strips of self adhesive velcro on the back of the tablet, opened the visor and eureka it sticks. Then it was just a matter of running USB cables (hiding them of coarse) from the visor area to the Keyboard and printer. This worked slick. But alias, being the only one to use the system after one season it was deemed to expensive for the results it was producing. Now I am "going it alone" trying to duplicate what I once had. The Tablets are very expensive and I already have a laptop, not only that I would like what ever it is I do install wise to allow the Laptop to remain "portable". From what I am finding there are some pretty reasonible small monitors out there. PYLE, Lillyput, ect. it is just a matter of figuring which one will work for my application!
Thanks again,
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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basically any monitor would work as long as it's the size you want to use and fits where you want it. assuming your laptop has the needed connections (most LTs have VGA out or SVIDEO depending on how old they are)...i'm assuming most of your work is going to be simple data entry based on your excel question. what else will you be doing with it? GPS navigation? anything fun like that?

http://www.google.co... screen monitor they've got a bunch of fun 10' touch screens for pretty cheap
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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now you've got me interested in this as a total project....which is going to be all consuming...
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I would like the monitor to have the same features/clairity as a Lap top monitor.
We do deal with primarily text, but sometimes I download pictures for documentaion, it is also nice to look at the doppler radar to see where the storm is in relation to the site.

Here are some Pictures of how the last setup looked.

What do you think? Any more Monitior suggestions would be helpful.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Picture_001_computer_in_truck.jpg
  • Picture_002_computer_in_truck.jpg
  • Picture_003_computer_in_truck.jpg
  • Picture_004computer_in_truck.jpg
  • Picture_005_computer_in_truck.jpg

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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is that the tablet that you used to have? i would imagine any monitor that's of the same average size should work perfectly fine (assuming you don't want touch capabilities)...i'd almost suggest removing the visor all together and building a new custom one that would fit in it's place. the new visor would have the monitor built in (some simple plywood with fiberglass would work fine for this. it's how custom car shops do it) with the wires/cables hidden along the headliner near the door. that way it would be less likely for someone to break into the truck to steal it. it would also look cleaner.. a wireless keyboard/mouse/number pad would be better as well, as you'd be able to tuck those under the seat or put them under the back seats (if you've got the extended cab on that truck...is that an 05+ tacoma or tundra?)

one note, the monitor (any type you get) will have some form of external power source...and may/may not have a converter built in to work with car power (as was mentioned before) it might be a good idea to wire in a decently sized DC inverter to convert battery power to AC so you can power some of these contraptions a little easier.
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