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Can't get internet access when connected to wifi

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I have been using my friend's wifi connection at her home on my computer with no problems until this past Friday. Now I am able to connect but with limited access - can't access the internet. Coincidentally, this is exactly when my Norton's Antivirus software expired.

Am I now being blocked as a security risk since this has expired? Will it work if I install new anti-virus software?

Hope this makes sense - I am technically challenged!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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It could well have something to do with a glitch in a Norton product. Uninstall NAV if you don't plan to renew or upgrade it.

You should use an AV product. AVG and Avast have free versions which work well enough.
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Reason for edit: posted twice

Edited by DaffyKantReed, 15 March 2010 - 09:27 AM.

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