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time machine ideas

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ive had a thought about creating a time machine my idea is based (loosely) on the theory of relativity.
as time is speeded up the faster an object travels, if one was to create a sphere revolving remarkably fast inside another sphere revolving just fast, you would effectively double the speed of an object placed in the centre of this contraption.
now if you where to increase the number of spheres its quite possible at some point for the item at the core to be essentially travelling at thousands of miles an hour without actually moving. In this way you could theoretically travel forwards in time.
Im wondering if im the only one who has had these strange ideas, and if not what have other people come up with to solve the problm?
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Good luck.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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some issues that i see with your description.

having a sphere revolving around a sphere wouldn't make the inner sphere move any faster...assuming that they're not connected in some way that would cause one's speed to be Dependant on the other. since you're suggesting that one sphere is moving slower than the other sphere i'd take it that they're not interconnected. moving something really fast around something else doesn't effect the speed or motion of another thing that's inside or next to it.
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The other thing is that your description depends on relatively. The object in the smaller, inside sphere would only be moving faster with respect to the other spheres, so in a universal, objective point-of-view, nothing really happens.
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I'd be glad to try your machine :)
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I have thought about this but the one thing that gets me stuck is how would you affect or capture the whole universe to be part of it. I dint know if you seen that episode of spider man TSA where that one guy can move really fast. The only way that he can stop time is because he can move extremal fast so that what would take him ten min to do he can do it in a split second. How would you expect to affect ever thing,or how can you have every atom in the universe from progressing. Because every atom works with another atom to create you and you grow older by the second. That is the only thing that troubles me.
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According to your machine design,you are creating this machine only for slowing the time not to travel in future or past.Therefore it will not become a perfect time machine. :) By the way good luck :)

Edited by moddwe, 12 April 2010 - 09:44 PM.

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alot of people have time travel wrong.....they think that an object has to move faster than light....totally wrong....it is the frequency of light....light is the key along with frequency and electromagnetism.....why would you want to time travel...if it is to change something....no it cant be done.....to meet others through history maybe.....do you not see you can only do what has already been done....the future is somewhat already written too
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you could always build,er,borrow a tardis
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Let's imagine we're doing a bit of normal, everyday car travel. Drive in a straight line and you're traveling in one dimension. Turn right or left and you add the second dimension. Drive up or down a twisty mountain road and that adds height, so that's traveling in all three dimensions. But how on Earth do we travel in time?

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1s7q4DE1g

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I LOVE IT! I don't understand enough to explain it technically, but I'm fascinated by the theory. From what I know, it can't be done in our dimension. What if we discovered we could go forward, but not backwards? Then we'd be stuck in the future,. I say this because I've seen suggestions that if it were possible, we can only move forward.

When I listened to a program about String Theory, it made sense, though I've forgotten most of it. I have a feeling it may hold some ideas on how time travel could be possible.

As far as the machine with the spheres goes, If something's moving, the energy from it would affect the nearest object, wouldn't it? It's like when I'm walking and I can feel the wind; the faster I walk, the more I can feel it. Wind is air, air has energy, a moving object has an affect on it. Wave your hand in the air and feel the air move. Does any of this make sense, or is all this a bunch of hot air? LOL :)

As much as I'd love to go back in time, I wouldn't want to do something that'd mess up the future. How could I be sure my actions would improve it? I can't, unless I then go to the future to find out, and hope for the best, and, hopefully I can go back to where I came from, also. If I could visit a particular time, without affecting it, I'd like to do that. Imagine if it were easy to do, everything would get so messed up, no one would recognize anything.

The Twlight Zone and Star Trek really helped me understand these ideas, and more. I've had many discussions with a friend who was studying physics and related subjects.

There's an episode of the Zone, where a young child got lost in another dimension. I remember the neighbor writing out a very long string of equations on the wall. That may've been in the extended version, but anyway, I always wondered about that. When I asked my friend abut it, he said it was just a bunch of numbers that didn't mean anything. He believes in time travel, too, so I I had hoped, since he's very good in math, it might be something real he'd recognize. I say all this knowing there are many theories that can be mathematically mapped out, though they can't be applied in physical form to be tested for provability.

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To quote Cher 'if I could turn back time', everyday would be Saturday. MMMMMMMMMM Saturday, no work tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow.
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LOL! It'd be fun for awhile, but wouldn't it get boring after awhile having every day be the same?
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    Mechanised Mod

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To quote Cher 'if I could turn back time', everyday would be Saturday. MMMMMMMMMM Saturday, no work tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow.

What about the sunday roast :whistling:
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What about the sunday roast

My revised Time Machine Schedule

  • Everyday to be Saturday.
  • Once a week a Sunday will be available. Phillpower2's house for dinner.
  • Dinner will be available for an infinite amount of time, between 1p.m and 2p.m.

LOL! It'd be fun for awhile, but wouldn't it get boring after awhile having every day be the same?

Please see revised schedule. Winner, winner chicken dinner!
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