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    Je suis Napoléon!

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In my opinion this resolution is too low, things are going to look too large on the screen and you won't be able to fit hardly anything in. If you want to test, manually adjust your current monitor to the 640 x 480 resolution now and see the difference for yourself!

that's the native resolution of an 11x7 inch screen. he's not watching movies on the thing, he's doing spreadsheets. the display will look fine

Edited by dsenette, 06 April 2010 - 07:47 AM.

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To be honest, I hope you're right mr monkey!
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tray_bottom.JPG Well fellas you are both correct.

It is workable and I am not watching movies with it (desennete)

Being the mini monitor is so close to the old eye balls, it does not seem to matter to much if I have to reduce things to get them on the page. (desennete)

I think a larger monitor would torch the retna's and look a little obtuse trying to hide under the visor!! (desennete)

When working on some tasks, like Excel, Word and power point, even though the indicator shows it is bottomed out I cannot view the bottom of the page. Is there any way to make this work?? (Troy)

The larger (15") monitor would make it easier to know what things will look like before I send them to people with full size monitors. (Troy)

So you both have valid points of view.

I have a little time before it has to go back (the monitor) so I will see if it is going to fit the bill.

Here are some Photo's of the cooling tray/USB set up.

And as always if you have any comments or helpful suggestions, please advise.

Thank you ,

Attached Thumbnails

  • close_up_of_top_cooling_tray.JPG
  • front_view_of_cooling_tray_showing_USB__s.JPG

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Well the big valboski is on its way!!

By that I mean the 15" monitor (1024 X 768 resolution)which will work much better than the 640 X 480 of the 10.4" monitor.

With my laptop set at the 1024 X 768 resolution it works great,not quite as good as the 1366 X 768, but [bleep] close.

It will be a challenge to make that big monitor look correct, but I like a challenge. There are already some rough ideas bubbling away in the gray matter.

Once its in (it may take a while) I will post some photos. delivery is set for Friday but the VGA Gender changer won't be hear until next Monday or Tuesday. Oh well, this will give me a little time to fine tune the monitors fittment, and maybe let me begin on the remote start solution.(start me up remotely post)

Thanks again, and as always please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

PS after previewing my post, I noticed that D A M N is automatically turned to [bleep]!
[bleep],[bleep],[bleep]- well what do ya know! cool beans!!
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Yes, there is a word filter. So the questions you were asking before, are they still going to be relevant with the 15" on the way?
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I beleive the new resolution should take care of most the monitor/workability problems caused by the smaller (10.4") monitor.

But this will not truly be known until it arrives, and I can fire it up!!

Thanks again,
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