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Windows 7 OS spooler needs help

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Help someone! I need to print from my laptop. I thought it was my printer, called printer mfg they tried to fix, said it was my OS spooler that was having issues and so I need to fix. Anyone know how or where I can get the fix for it. I have an HP DV6-1350 laptop. Thanks for your help!
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Hello gaviota824, and welcome to GTG.

First, click on the start button, and type "services" without the quotes, into the search box. In the results, right click services.exe, and select run as administrator.

This will open the services panel. Scroll down until you see "print spooler". Right click print spooler, and select properties.

Inside the properties menu their will be 4 tabs along the top. Make sure the General tab is selected, then look about half way down until you see "Startup Type" with a selection box beside it. Click on the selection box, and select "Automatic". Do not close the properties window.

Under the "Startup Type", you will see "Service Status". If it says "Started", click apply and OK. If it says "Stopped", click "Start", then apply and OK.

Let me know if this works!
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I did as you said and this did not work. It looks like it no longer says offline but it still doesnt print. I tried to print the test page. please help.
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Go to Run and type in "services.msc", then press Enter. In the window that opens look for "Print Spooler" on the right, Right-click on it and select "Properties". Click on the "Recovery" tab and change all 3 drop-down boxes to "Restart The Service". Make sure the 2 text boxes underneath say "1" in them. Click Ok until you are back at the Services window, close it.
Go back into the properties of the "Print Spooler" tab and be sure to click Start to restart the Print Spooler service. The Print spooler depends on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service. If this service is disabled, go to services.msc look for RPC. Check state: Automatic. Hopefully, it will solve your problem.
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ok so it is now working. Thank you for your help. I just hope it stays that way, it was driving me bonkers. :)
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