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Hello, Having a problem getting my windows vista to boot up

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So Everything was fine last night when all of a sudden my Dell inspirion 1525 froze, I couldn't even ctrl alt delete anything, so I had to manually turn it off. When I turned it back on the screen came up prompting me to start windows in safe mode or normal mode. So I selected safe mode, the screen flashed,then it brought me back to the same screen of selecting normal or safe mode, so i tried this a few times , but it wouldn't let me get past that screen. So I tried normal mode, the windows logo appears and loads for a second,then it brings me back to the selection screen.

I'm able to run a diagnostic which I did, but it found no problems. I just cant get past this screen, no error codes come up or anything. I'm pretty sure I can do a system restore but I don't want to lose all my data. Any help would be much apprecatied.

Edit: I cant do anything, I go into my menu to repair, system restore. start with command propmt ect. And it just sends me back to the page saying do you wish to start in normal mode or safe mode.

Edited by Foxmacleod, 09 April 2010 - 08:40 AM.

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"I'm pretty sure I can do a system restore but I don't want to lose all my data"

Running Windows "System Restore" will not touch your own files so no worries there.

However, doing a factory default "Recovery" will.
"System Restore" and "Recovery" are two different things and I think you mean the latter.

I'm always impressing on my friends and family to keep backup copies of all their documents, pictures, music etc. on a separate partition, on a separate disk, or on a CD/DVD. If you'd done that you wouldn't have any worries if you were forced to re-install Windows with a recovery process.

Edited by phillipcorcoran, 10 April 2010 - 06:03 AM.

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first thing to try is to run chkdsk /r
you can remove the hard drive and slave it to a working system and get your data that way or you can try running puppy linux...its a live cd that runs in ram and use it to recover data from the drive
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