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Unable to join any multiplayer servers for any game.

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  • PipPip
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This just started a few days ago; before that everything has been fine.

I can browse the internet fine, talk to people online, etc. the internet works and it's fast. However whenever I try to join any type of multiplayer game it'll list servers but if I try to join one it'll either say it was unable to connect or connect then lag out before I can play. This happens for every single game I try, and four days ago it was all fine.

No firewall is stopping them from connecting. I'm behind the Windows 7 firewall but I always have been and they worked before so that isn't the reason. The only thing that's changed was I created a host through no-ip.com and used their no-ip client, but I've since deleted the host and uninstalled the software. However it seems the problems started around the time I used that; maybe it's related? I'm not sure how that would have any effect though.

Anyway, I'm at a loss as to how my internet can work peachy but no online game will let me connect to them. Any ideas?

Thanks for your time.
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It's fixed. Just in case anyone else is having this problem:

I had to call my provider to get the actual password for the router (admin/admin won't actually change any settings but will let you log in) and disabled an option to block all foreign ports. My internet is faster and I can connect to everything now.
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