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Windows 7 HP Nightmares-Windows Installer Errors

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New computer....Windows 7 HP (Home Premium).............do NOT like it at all. Nothing I use will run on this computer. Most immediate problems are Windows Installer Errors 1719 and 1603. I have tried everthing to fix this but have had not success.

Tried to install VirtualBox 3.1.6 (to run XP software)..............Error: "The Windows Install Service could not be access. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contack your support personnel (yeah, sure!) Sun Virtual Box setup wizard ended prematurely." and "Installation of MSI failed".

Tried to install Office (which may have started this problem).............wouldn't run and cannot uninstall.

Tried to install Network Magic..............wouldn't install...........MSI issues.

Installed Open Office, don't want it, but cannot uninstall it..........cannot find the MSI file (and neither can I!). There is no uninstall option for this program.

There is no download of Windows Installer 5.0 (go figure).....so cannot reinstall. And no "fixes" I've run across have fixed this issue.

Any ideas? From anyone?...............I HATE Windows 7. I am thinking of downgrading to Windows XP to make life easier.
Thanks in advance.
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