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My truck computer project turned out pretty good, but now I am looking for a way to do it wirelessly.

Plugging and unplugging the USB's and VGA are becoming to be a drag, I can also see that these ports will probably wear out prematurely from the shear use.

So my next quest is to see if there is a way to do this without wires, if possible.

I have a laptop with WiFi capability(no Bluetooth) a HP 4200 with no wireless capability, a 15" Pyle monitor with VGA
input, and a Motion keyboard which is only wired/USB.

My question is, what would I have to do/aquire to accomplish this??

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you,
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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get different hardware.....

the keyboard/mouse is easy, get a wireless keyboard/mouse

the printer and monitor...weeeeeelll those are a little different. for the monitor you could use one of these wireless VGA adapters (of course you'll need to unplug the dongle from the computer when you take it out of the truck so as not to break it.)

the printer, you could get a wireless print server (googles it...they're pretty common) that would solve that issue (or get a new printer)
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Will this wireless USB to VGA interfere with the WiFi I am currently using, and if the signal these devises use are the same as the current WiFi used by the Laptop, why couldn't I just get the VGA dongel and skip the USB dongel, being the Laptop already has the ability to comunicate using its current WiFi?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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well...the only "wireless" display that i've ever seen that works with normal 802.x is by viewsonic. it's the viewsonic airpanel. we've got one here at work, it's a bit of a pain in the [bleep] to work with...

this seems to be their newest model
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Thanks dsenette,

Looks nice, but spendy.

And if as you say its, "A pain in the [bleep] to work with"

Then it is probably not worth the money or the hassle.

I would just by a Tablet!

But Thank you for listening to my rambling.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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yeah any of the other ones like it that i've found through searching have been pretty expensive.
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