Why does the computer and software businesses are alowwed to sell products that even them know and admit have faults in them (updates after updates). Just imagine if a car company (Toyota) or a children toy company did that they would be sued right away.
I know the computer business is more complex but it is running more and more everything we do from our health system to security issues and in our everyfay life (Lots of businnes stop running if the computers stop working), so shouldn't we make sure that everything works good before we start using it.
Why do browsers start to dowload your product even before you finally say yes to the download, I am saying that because I wanted to download a program the other day that was about 320mo but before I click the final button to start the download my phone rang so i talked on the phone for a little while and when i finished and came back to my computer to push the final button to say yes download it it did not start at the beginning it had already dowladed over 200mo.
I know friends that have a limited amount of internet usage per month (1go to 3go) so if the same thing happened to them but instead of saying yes to the download they say canel before it had supposably started they would have lost 200mo (the system just deletes whatever it had already downloaded) of what they can use in a month for nothing.
I have many more but will stop for now. Please vent your frustrations here if you feel like it.