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Application Not Found and Open With

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My computer had a virus a little while back. I know that this is probably a poplular discussion. I have tried to use other tutorials but they have never helped me. I'll use an example of my problem. Whenever I want to open something such as a game I want to go on Mozilla Firefox it pops open with an "Open With" screen and it gives me some programs to open it with. Than when I want to open something like Skype, it says "Application Not Found" or such.

Edited by Josheh, 30 April 2010 - 05:12 PM.

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Please go to the malware forum and follow the instructions at the top....Especially the CLICK HERE.

That will give you several steps that will help you clean up 70 percent of all problems by yourself. If at the end of the process you are still having difficulty--and you may not be-- then post an OTListIt log in THAT forum.
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I followed the instructions and it still doesn't work. I am also confused by what you are telling me to do now... Please explain?
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Try these instructions and see if they explain it better.
I suggest you go to the Malware Removal and Spyware Removal Forum and run all the steps located in the
START HERE. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own.
If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post the reguested logs in THAT forum.
If you are unable to run any of the tools then start a new topic in the malware forum and put this in the subject line...I am unable to run any malware tools

If you are still having problems after being given a clean bill of health from the malware expert, then please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).

Add a link to this topic so that malware tech can see what steps have been taken here
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It still didn't work :/.
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What, specifically, didn't work?

If you're not having any luck cleaning the infected computer, you have several choices:
  • Find someone who is willing to help you with the instructions. :)

  • Take the computer to a repair shop. :)

  • Continue to use the computer like it is. :)

  • Turn the computer off. :)

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You need to actually follow my instructions, which says to post in the Virus Removal forum, not here.
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