AMD Turion X-2 Dual Core
Vista Home Edition 32bit
I turned on my laptop three days but it keeps giving me the following error message:"Bootmgr is missing. Press ctrl-alt-del to restart". I haven't installed or uninstalled any programs lately. There's been no changes to the machine for many weeks. I have scoured the internet for solutions but nothing has worked. I was not given a VISTA cd when i bought the machine brand new about 18 months ago. It doesn't have a recovery partition (that would be too simple). It is no longer under warranty. i have downloaded and burned "Windows Vista Repair" on a disk but when it goes to the "system recovery options" screen, it can't find the OS. Even so, I have tried using all 5 system recovery tools on the disk but with no luck. I bought a new SATA hdd, same error message. i have two copies of windows xp pro but it will not allow me to install either one, even though both disks work fine on another pc. when I try to install XP I get the following message "setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in you computer". I have formated the drive (when I could find it) with different format utilities but the format didn't work. All i want to do is install windows XP pro on this hdd, i don't care about the old OS or the contents of the drive.
Any advice folks?