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Boot Manager Missing

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Toshiba Satellite P305D-S8829
AMD Turion X-2 Dual Core
Vista Home Edition 32bit

I turned on my laptop three days but it keeps giving me the following error message:"Bootmgr is missing. Press ctrl-alt-del to restart". I haven't installed or uninstalled any programs lately. There's been no changes to the machine for many weeks. I have scoured the internet for solutions but nothing has worked. I was not given a VISTA cd when i bought the machine brand new about 18 months ago. It doesn't have a recovery partition (that would be too simple). It is no longer under warranty. i have downloaded and burned "Windows Vista Repair" on a disk but when it goes to the "system recovery options" screen, it can't find the OS. Even so, I have tried using all 5 system recovery tools on the disk but with no luck. I bought a new SATA hdd, same error message. i have two copies of windows xp pro but it will not allow me to install either one, even though both disks work fine on another pc. when I try to install XP I get the following message "setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in you computer". I have formated the drive (when I could find it) with different format utilities but the format didn't work. All i want to do is install windows XP pro on this hdd, i don't care about the old OS or the contents of the drive.
Any advice folks?
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first off windows xp requires you to load drivers for sata drives before it can see them, i believe the option was f6. As far as your previous install of vista are you sure its just the bootmgr thats missing or is it all data on that hard drive? to find out id suggest getting a livecd of any kind and booting on it then browsing your hard drives.
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