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Hope all is well with everyone

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Just thought I'd pop my head in and see how everyone was going, looks like you are still solving the worlds computer problems one at a time!

Sorry that I don't really have the time to be an active member on here, I'm in full swing at Law School which is surprisingly great fun and rather interesting. It's extremely competitive but that just adds to the whole fun of it doesn't it :)

I must say that I do miss being apart of GeekU! It was challenging but I enjoyed every minute of it, hopefully I'll get to reapply when life is a little less crazy.

Keep up the good work :)
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Cold Titanium

Cold Titanium

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Wow. Law School. So I'm guessing law school is all the bookwork and stuff? They really should teach at least basic pressure points in there. I never was much for the paperwork. Hey, if you ever wanted the entire program you should take some haganah classes (see my siggy link)

Anyways, good luck :) And try not to stab yourself with scissors :)
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Haha, yep its pretty much all bookwork and essays (case studies etc). Must say I'm not used to the amount of free time I get in college compared with working 5 days a week ha.

Maybe they leave that stuff to the police? Lol actually looks interesting. May have a look, watch out I'll be a ninja in no time :)
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Cold Titanium

Cold Titanium

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Ninja nothing. More like commando. We don't do all that fancy smancy stuff. It is a reality based system. As they say in Israel "If you are going to kick somebody in the head, cut his legs off and then kick him in the head". One of the best self-defense systems out. You'll learn everything from gun disarms to knife fighting to protecting yourself on the ground. You should really check it out. And if you can't find a haganah studio, try finding a Krav Maga place.

Edit: and if you really want a good stance you should supplement haganah with something like taekwondo or karate. They fill in holes left by haganah, like understanding your body's gravity and movements better

Edited by Cold Titanium, 20 May 2010 - 03:21 PM.

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