I love, when I'm not using my computer, for it to look busy (wether it's actually doing something useful or not). I'm wondering if any of you know of a program that has visuals like Folding at home or SETI that will run on a dual monitor setup? It'd be nice if it was a screensaver so it would kick in automatically, but that's not extremely necessary.
I did manage to get Folding at home to run on two monitors, but I have two issues with it. First, I have to open the program twice, run it in two windows, and move one window to the second monitor manually (pain). The second issue is that the folding process seems to run extremely slow and jumpy in both windows until I move my mouse. At that moment, both windows come to life and the folding on both monitors continues at a very fast and fluid rate of speed. After a minute or two, they both slow down again. So...this doesn't look very cool. It's some glitch I haven't investigated though because my machine has the horsepower to run this on dual display and like I said - it runs fine if you keep you mouse in motion.
So..do any of you know of a program like this that will make my computer look busy (and cool at the same time
