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Peripheral Problems in Win7

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I've a new computer w/Win7.

Win 7 did not detect my scanner, and Canon no longer supports it, but I was able to find a program called VueScan which lets Win7 recognize my scanner.

Is there something like VueScan for the following (or another workaround)?...

I have a T-Mobile Dash which uses ActiveSync, but Win7/Vista now calls ActiveSync Window Mobile Device Center. I DL'd that program from the MS site, and it doesn't work -- at all. I get an error message when I try to install it. I'd be happy if I can just get the images off of it. Is there perhaps a program that can recognize the phone, whether it syncs it or not?

I also have a Wacom pen-mouse, which I used on my old computer via a Xircom Serial-to-USB adapter. Neither the adaptor nor the Wacom are meant to be used w/Win7.

Any tips would be great. THANK YOU!
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For those wondering:

1. Windows Mobile Device Center ran once I right-clicked the EXE file, then chose RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. It loaded w/out issue. But it wouldn't run by double-clicking at all. It was a simple fix, but not something someone new to Win7 would think of. (Got it from a Dell tech...although, it should be noted, a previous Dell tech spent an hour on the phone with me and was unable to resolve the issue.)

2. I am still trying to find a way to get my Xircom PortGear USB To 9 pin Serial Converter to work. I have a Win2000 driver and tried Compatibility mode but so far no luck. Any tips would be appreciated. Will create a special topic for this, so unless an admin feels this thread should be closed, you can post here (otherwise, search the forums for Xircom for my other post).

Edited by Phlegmbot, 10 June 2010 - 04:28 PM.

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