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Need info on how page addresses work? Thanx

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I do not know if anyone has knowledge of this. On my computer there was a page from a sex site that had the page address with his name in it, for example sexbook.garrydoolittle.funwithsingles
fled.net. I looked at when I received spam from some of these sites and I could find in no way where my name was included in the page address. Does this mean he is a member or he is using a private domain???

I would ask him, but you know where that would lead to, just would like to have a heads up. Thanks:)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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your post is a little cryptic as you start mentioning "he" out of nowhere.

but to answer your question without having to go to that website, register, and see how they generate their links.

yes, it's possible that "he" has an account on that website, and this is the way that the website gives it's members direct links for distribution
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Hi, Thanks for the response. Sorry, wrote hastily..."he," is husband lol. I would sign up to see, but I do not want to give credit card number to sign up. I went to site and it does not include my name in address and even linking in to spam from those sites did not include my email name in the address.

Thanks again for the reply. If any more definitive info, let me know.
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