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laptop coolers

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When I first thought of cooling my laptop there was nothing on the market at all...
Nowadays laptop coolers are big bucks but after trying alot of coolers, not one reduces temperature more than about 1-2 degrees.
I went to work designing my own custom laptop cooler taking the idea from a high end cooler and trying a 12" fan in an aluminium case, this gave me a little over 2 degrees difference....back to the drawing board.
I then though smaller fans at higher revs may do the job better, I took 3x80mm case fans running at 2600rpm and hotwired a 12volt charger to power them. This gave me another 2 degree diference.....again back to the drawing board.
I then thought even smaller fans may direct airflow better so tried 6x40mm fans at 1600rpm this again failed miserably.
my next idea involved creating a vacuum to force the air through a box like design with a silicone seal all the way round forcing air into the case.....this again failed but had better results with a 3 degree difference.

I'm wondering has any one got a drop in temp under load (without undervolting) of more than 5 degrees and if so how?
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    GeekU Freshman

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I don't know how much my laptop cooler cooled down my laptop but it was enough to be noticed. My laptop was getting hot when I touched it and after adding the cooler it no longer gets that hot so I don't think the are a scam.
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Usually if the laptop requires extra cooling then there is an issue with the way it is working now.
The vents are probably clogged. Also when the fans get gunk on them it also restricts the movement of air.
Are the fans turning?
Its difficult on a laptop, but when was the last time the vents were cleaned?
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I spend a lot of time on my laptop and need to be comfortable as well as keeping it cool. My own invention has worked well for me for a couple years now. 30 minutes in the workshop gave me this :)
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Wow that is full of win! How do I order? Can I get mine done in different colours? :)

Seriously though, that is a great idea! :)
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    Math Nerd

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I'll take one as well. :)
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    OT Moderator

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its pretty fun to look at the stuff people come up with, I like it! :)
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Thanks folks :)

A couple pieces of Cedar and some screws. Fits between the chair arms nicely and does not wiggle, then lift off and set on the table next to me. If my belly gets any bigger i may have to remodel LOL.
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Haha... Introducing the LB edition (Large Belly) :)
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    Notepad warrior

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Need to get me one of those! :)
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could you post the dimensions of the wood used? Maybe a rough schematic, or Visio chart. I'm sure some people could guesstimate by your pictures, but having a detailed list could make this into a community project with updates.

Who knows, it could become a GeeksToGo Member project. It could spur innovative creativity for other projects.

I'm going to look into building one for my Mom. She likes to lay in bed with the laptop.

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On my Dell E1505 which is somewhat notorious for overheating I just make sure the vents are cleaned and the fans cranked up as high as they will go. Same thing with my IBM T40 but I have a more dynamic approach with set fan speeds at different temps over-riding the BIOS settings.

Oh and a cardboard box about 2"Hx17"Lx13"D helps as well.
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My Asus UL80Vt-A1 stays pretty cool, even when I've got both the cpu and graphics card overclocked. It is cool enough to work or play on it and leave it sitting in my lap, even with shorts on.

I was curious; so I looked around the net: check out this crazy water cooled laptop rig out. :)
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could you post the dimensions of the wood used? Maybe a rough schematic, or Visio chart. I'm sure some people could guesstimate by your pictures, but having a detailed list could make this into a community project with updates.

Who knows, it could become a GeeksToGo Member project. It could spur innovative creativity for other projects.

I'm going to look into building one for my Mom. She likes to lay in bed with the laptop.


Very sorry! Health circumstances have not let me be around for a bit but here is the info you requested.

Overall width is 22 inches which fits snugly inside the arms of my Lazyboy, you may want to change that to suit whatever width you need. Side pieces are 3/4 inch Cedar x 12 inches long and 7 inches deep. 1/2 inch Cedar would be ok but more difficult to set screws in. I pre drilled the screw holes to prevent splitting and you could also glue all joints, i did not and it is good still after 18 months.
Crosspieces are 1/2 inch by 2 inch Cedar, spaced to fit the buttons on the bottom of the laptop, some belly room left, about 3-4 inches.
If for a bed you may wish to taper the side pieces, eg higher at the front by a couple inches or more.

Edited by goldhound, 15 July 2010 - 11:41 PM.

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Hey goldhound your idea was really great, I just to tried this wooden idea for my acer laptop. I just to made actually same look of you have to made, I have to got one of the best Idea to for cool my laptop from you, Thanks for that.

Edited by brizz, 20 July 2010 - 12:38 AM.

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