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New Computer seems to have died

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Good Afternoon!

I am having some issues with a new HP computer running Windows 7. This computer was purchased in December '09 and has worked well, until recently. Within the last month or so, it has been doing something that appeared to be "going to sleep." However, it would not "wake up" and I had to manually shut the machine off and turn it back on before it would come back. Well, this same thing happened again last week, but even though I turn it off and turn it back on, nothing will display on the monitor. The blue power light will come back on, but I hear no sound from the fan or from the machine booting up, and the monitor only displays a "No Signal" message.

Any thoughts? I am so upset because I just uploaded all kinds of pictures of my 8 month old twin boys and deleted them off the memory card in the process. I really hope I can at least save the pictures!!
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Hi p-a-c-mommy, Welcome to geekstogo. Sorry about your computer, You should be able to get your
pictures back that you deleted off of your menory card.

Recuva free ware, I use it and it works well.


Hope this helps.

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Since it was purchased in Dec 09, I would return it for warranty.

Recuva will work on the memory card or ZAR

As for the pictures and info on the hard drive....As long as the drive is not mechanically dead there are ways to get the data also.
Do not format the hard drive or do a destructive recovery of the OS.
This could get touchy because of warranty so I will only suggest a Linux live CD. The live cd will boot from and run from the cd and memory and will not require a operating OS. You will need to boot to the CD and as long as memory is good and the monitor is good we can get the pictures.

Try recuva 1st. Then if that fails (which I doubt it will) you can try the following.


Happyrocks Instructions:

Get Puppy Linux... Get puppy-2.16-seamonkey-fulldrivers.iso download it and burn it to cd
if you don't have a burning program that will burn .ISO files get Burncdcc from my signature...it is a small FAST no frills iso burning program...

NOTE...do not put a blank cd in until burncdcc opens the tray for you
1. Start BurnCDCC
2. Browse to the ISO file you want to burn on cd/dvd ....in this case its memtest86.iso
3. Select the ISO file
4. click on Start

make sure in the bios the cd drive is the first boot device....

put the cd in the cd drive..boot your computer....puppy will boot and run totally in ram...if your hardware is is good working order you will know...
after you get it running and your at the desktop...you take the puppy linux cd out and then you can use the burner to copy all your data to cd/dvds
you can also use it to backup your data to a external usb harddrive..just have it hooked to the computer when you boot up with puppy...

quick guide for saving data...music..files on a system that will not boot using puppy Linux..

after you get to puppy desktop..
click on the drives icon...looks like a flash drive...top row..it will list all the drives connected to your computer...

click on the red icon for the drive you want to mount...in this case its a flash drive ...puppy will mount the drive..the drive icon turns green when its mounted...
minimize the drives mounter window..you will need it again in a few minutes..
drag the right edge of it sideways to shrink it to its narrowest size...about half the width of the screen...then drag the window to the right edge of the screen...

now click on the icon that looks like a filing cabinet (kind of yellow) on the main drive...it should already be green..
you will see a list of all the folders on the main drive Usually your C: drive..shrink that window to the narrowest you can..about half the width of the screen...drag that window to the left side of the screen...at this point you should have 2 windows open on your desktop..the flash drive on the right side..
go back to the folders on the C: drive...click on the documents and settings folder...then your user name or all users..find the folders that has your data..
drag and drop the folder with the data you want to make copies of to the flash drive window...

your options are to move ..copy ect...JUST COPY..if its to big you will have to open the folder and drag and drop individual files until the flash drive is full...
(I have a 120 GB external USB drive for big data recovery jobs and a 4 GB flash drive for the smaller jobs)..after you get the files copied to
the flash drive...Click on the drives mounter you minimized earlier
UNMOUNT THE FLASH DRIVE by clicking on the green icon..you will once in awhile get error messages when unmouting the drive..ignore them..
when the flash drive icon turns red again its safe to remove the flash drive..trot on over (stroll if you want to look cool) to another computer and plug in the flash
drive and copy all the data files ( I drag and drop) to the other computer..make sure the other computer can read them...

now delete the data on the flash drive...take it back to the misbehaving computer and plug it in again..
click on the drives icon again and repeat until you have all your data transferred to the working system..

Thanks to happyrock
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