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Desktop/desktop icons aren't working.

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My desktop is not working. When I right-click the desktop to run desktop properties, nothing happens. Also, the recycle bin and my other desktop files are also unresponsive. However, I can see the desktop properly.
I ran a virus/malware scan using Norton Security Suite and Malwarebytes, and no viruses/malware were found. I've also done several reboots, run check disk, and cleared cookies/cache. How may I resolve this?
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    Miss Congeniality

  • GeekU Moderator
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Hi HelpNeeded911,

Have you tried a System Restore from Safe Mode? If not, reboot your computer and repeatedly tap the F8 key till you get the Advanced Options screen. Use your Arrow keys to navigate to Last known good configuration and press Enter on your keyboard. You can undo a System Restore point if you're not satisfied with the results.

Here's a link that may help guide you, if needed. > How to restore Windows XP to a previous state

Please keep us informed to your progress.

Donna :)

Edited by DonnaB, 24 June 2010 - 09:44 PM.

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Before being able to troubleshoot, I ended up receiving a Windows Explorer error message. I checked the option to find a solution and restart Explorer. Thankfully, this seemed to resolve the issue. I will wait to see if this is a permanent or temporary solution. Either way, thanks so much for your help!!
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    Miss Congeniality

  • GeekU Moderator
  • 8,529 posts
You're very welcome HelpNeeded911. Glad to hear your issue is resolved.

And if I may graciously point out, I see that you have XP labeled as the OS that you are running on your computer. You posted this request in the Windows Vista and Windows 7 forum. If you have any more questions or concerns on your next visit to geeks to go, I'd like to ask you to post your request in the XP forum. If your request does concern Vista or Win7, please let us know when posting, then post in the appropriate forum for the OS that is running on the computer in question.

Thanks for choosing geeks to go for your computer needs!

Donna :)
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