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Custom Folder pictures not seen on other computers

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Hi, I developed a large Word Document with different folders. I customized the folders by adding pictures to make it look "pretty". I added the file where the pics came from into the individual folders and made it hidden. I did this hoping that when I saved the folders onto a USB flash drive that I would be able to see the folders with the pictures on other computers. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. I just see the standard yellow folder. Any ideas how I can maintain the custom folders to appear on different computers opening them from the USB stick? Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • PipPipPip
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Somewhere the path used for the folder file images has to be found and that image and path used on the USB. Just a guess, but if the image is not on the USB, then it can not be found and used. Not even sure if you can carry folder customizations over to a portable device.
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