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ie8 removed but still brining in files

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i was wondering if someone might say why even though I do not use IE8, and have 'uninstalled' it via the Windows features tool under programs, I continue to have temporary files from IE such as .swv files, thumbnails, or other cache files that would normally be placed for fetching when IE8 is being used to surf? I can't understand why it is exactly.
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Windows 7 includes IE8 as standard, and since it's integrated in to the OS, it cannot be uninstalled. The removal feature for IE8 only removes the shortcuts for IE8. The actual IE8 web browser itself is still installed. Without it, Windows 7 would not be able to function.

You should have noticed in "Programs & Features" that it says "Turn Windows features on or off". That's not the same as uninstalling. It just turns IE8 off by removing the shortcuts from your Desktop and All Programs list.

Edited by phillipcorcoran, 29 June 2010 - 09:10 AM.

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that was my original thinking as well because in vista you couldn't update without IE6 or 7. They changed that in 7 so now you can update and have it removed, but I'm confused as to what removal is technically. This is because yes it removed the shortcuts, but it can still be found in the windows folder, although attempting to use it prompts an error that it is uninstalled. Somehow though, I still get temporary folder files and IE settings and I wouldn't have noticed except that I run uniblue and it notifies me that IE is still managing to create new crap, even though it isn't used on the pc. My thoughts were that it could be from anotehr pc on the network, but I turned off nndp and didn't jion the homegroup. I just use the internet connection vs. sharing resources and hardware. It also was told to me that running a program in a mass implementation like that wasn't possible (although I don't think this is accurate and it was also a different program: MSE). Thanks for your response, if you can add anything, please.
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