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It has been a real challenge for me being a caregiver for my Mom. The challenge increased when our water heater broke and flooded the living room floor. Mom voted against using insurance due to her knowledge that her rates would go up and it would list the house as having two floods (one was in her bathroom).

It's been five months since the flood. We had to purchase a dehydrator to help with the clean up and a trash bin (the big blue ones) to help with the garbage. It has been expensive and we are now in the negative as our budget is concerned.

I've allowed my GeekU time to lapse, and I've not finished my degree yet. I'll have to get some part-time work to finish certifications or to go back to school. I'm not sure which to concentrate on first.

I'm on an island at work. I only work the weekends, and I'm not getting any responses to what I post on my emails and the tech database.

Edit: What I'm looking for are people who can drop me a line, let me know how they managed their crisis, give me some advice, or just to chat with. I'm in WA state, and would love to hear from you if you are as well.

I'm an ADDer and I have some resources to help me, but nothing is greater than the voice from a friend or acquaintance to help you along. It could be email, phone, or right here in GTG. Either way, I'm really reaching out here.

There are a lot of tech places here, but I feel this is one of the best. Thanks for reading.


Edited by dinotech, 13 July 2010 - 05:06 PM.

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Sounds like you just need to bunker down and ride it out. Personally I would recommend finishing school first, then work part time and get your certifications.

There are plenty of people who struggle through difficult times like this and make it through fine - if you put your mind to it, you can do anything, including working your way through this. :)

Also if you are in the negative and your mum doesn't want to use the insurance, it sounds like she should cancel it to save money? If she's not going to use it, why pay for it? Just some food for thought anyway.
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Thanks for the reply Troy. I agree that we shouldn't carry insurance if she is not going to use it, but she didn't want to use it for this particular case. It's a high deductible rate so that's part of the reason. However, it would have saved us money in the long run.

Your absolutely right - put my mind to it and focus on one issue at a time.

BTW what happened to your karate kid pic? Loved that pic!
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Hi Dino, I can really relate to what you are going thru.

I, too, am the only caregiver to my husband, who had a severe heart condition back in Dec. Man, it has been an eye opener, and I had to let my GU slide, because he is my primary concern. Pretty darn hard to stay up all night working on logs, and be on top of things going on here at home, during the day. One can only do their best. I am sure you did too. :)

The only advice I can offer you, is to take it one day at a time. Don't overdo it, make time for yourself. I know it isn't easy, but you have too. You are no good to your Mom if you get sick you know. Take time for YOU.

As far as teh Insurance goes, I'd hang onto it, OR look for some better deals. Maybe compare different companies. Sure, the ded. sounds high, but what if she didn't have it??? That is a scary thought. Sometimes, it is hard, I do know that. Believe me, I do know that!

You just take it one day at a time, and you will be fine.

Also, we had our share of things go wrong or out here, too. Our Ins. didn't cover the Water Pressure tank that leaked and needed replacing, so guess who got a lesson in plumbing? Yup. Now, if I ever need to do it again, I'll know how. :) :)

I finally got the chance to came back to G2G and found a lot has changed here, too. :) Unfortunately, I am finding it is not dial up friendly, and that is not good, because I am on a dial up connection :). Bummer, but hey, what can I say? When dial up is all ya got , it's all ya got. :)

Best of Luck to you my friend! :)
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I would not cancel the insurance. I would talk to the agent about different choices and also another agency.
Definitely finish school 1st.
A must is to take time for yourself. Look into friends or family that can spend at least a few hours with your Mom so you can get a break.

We all know (one way or another) what you are going through.
It is very tough.
You will make it.

Good luck
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