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Shopping for a Region-Free Portable DVD Player

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  • PipPip
  • 89 posts
We live in Japan and in addition to a new laptop, I'm looking to buy a portable region-free DVD player for my 2 young kids to use at home and while traveling. I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for me regarding what to get.

Here's some information:

*I don't want to spend more than $100 (including shipping if possible)
*they are expensive in Japan -- buying them abroad can be worse with the cost of shipping
*however, will be meeting a family member coming from Canada next month and could have an item shipped to that person's house so they could bring it to us in their carry-on baggage
*a small screen size (7") is fine because it is for travel, while at home can be hooked up to a TV
*battery life is important - would like 4 hours or more if possible or else be able to use an extra battery

If anyone has experience with these portable players, I appreciate any suggestions.
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