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How can I secure my website?

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g. godwin

g. godwin

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I recently found out about your wonderful websites and since then I have been following your information’s and computer tips, I have a big problem that I will forever be grateful if you can assist me with, I registered an online based company recently with 4 other friends and later we added another friend as an equal partner because of his computer skills as he is a programmer, the arrangement with this last member was that he handles everything regarding the website for as exchange for equal share, while every other expenses on this project is being handled by the other 5 members, the website has now been build but not launched, the problem now is that the last member who built the website is now blackmailing us with request of more shares of the company, he has become greedy and his attitude has completely changed, as he is now seeing good prospect for the company. We are now very afraid that he can black mail us as soon as we launch the website.
The other entire 5 members don’t know anything about website or the programs, before we launch the company and the website we will like to know what we can do to make sure the website will never be in the hands of one person, as the one who build the website and the programming, what can we do to make sure he won’t lock the website whenever he wants, can you give us idea of what will happen after the website is launched, as he will be working in the company will he still be totally in charge if it? Is there anything we can do to secure this situation before the website is launched?

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.

Mr. G Godwin
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If he is the administrater then he will be able to control the site because he knows the admin password and username of the site panel. only one way is that make sure he publish the site in front of everyone (you and other 5 people) and let you know the username and password.And check it everyday so that if he changes the password u know.
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Hi Godwin,
If money is not to much of an issue, you could create a contract with your associate, detailing ownership and access rights to the website. A lawyer may be required though I'm not sure. The best thing would to be to get your associate back on your side, but that isn't always possible.
This action may be a bit costly and excessive, but it will mean your associate will not be able to "blackmail" you.

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Now that the web site is built you can contract for an external company to maintain the site.
That would take it out of the hands of the 1 partner.
I would think that maintenance would not be that expensive (unless there are a lot of changes).
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