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Can't share folders

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Basic problem: Can't access PC folders from other network computers.
I recently did a clean XP Pro SP3 install on a desktop hardwired thru a Linksys WRT54G to a home network. I'm running Norton Internet Security on this PC. The network also has 2 laptops (Vista and NIS) and another desktop (XP and AVG).
The desktop with the new install can access the shared and public folders on the other systems but not vice versa. I'm trying to share a couple of folders and a drive on the desktop with the recent install. These show up on the other systems as network locations but when I try to access them I get a message "folder not accessible...might not have permission...contact administrator...not enough server storage".
I installed XP with a single user account and no password so I figure I have admin permissions. However, prior to the clean install I wasn't getting the select user account screen which I am now.
I've tried setting full access permission to all users and copying the folders and drive to the shared directory. I'm really not sure how any of that works, but just tried all the different things I've read with no luck.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.
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Get rid of Norton IS. It's not network friendly. It has caused hours of frustration to several of my friends. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is causing your resource-sharing problem.
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