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Server 2008: Access to shared printer from windows 2000

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I am sharing a printer on my network through a windows server 2008. When I access the printer from any computer running xp or later, it asks my my log in information and I connect without a problem. When i try and access the printer from a windows 2000 computer, I get an error saying access is denied, (without even asking me my login information).

I believe the problem is with group policy issues between the server 2008 and the windows 2000 but I'm not sure. How can I navigate around this issue. If it helps I'm fine with opening up the printer to everyone, not requiring a login (if possible), so long as no one has any access to the rest of the server. I do require the printer be shared through the server however, (so administrators can pause/un-pause the printer and manage the print queue.)

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I believe its an issue with the Kerberos authentication or it could be just an issue with permissions.

Assuming your on a domain, try pulling the 2000 machine off the domain, readding it and try to add the printer again.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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how are you connecting to the printer? via the add printer button?

then you select "network printer", then type in the full address for the printer in the url box?

try just putting the 2008 server in (\\servername\) then press ok, and see if it asks for the authentication information. then back up to the previous screen then press next and put the full path to the printer in
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