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acer laptop

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alright, my cousin broke his acer netbook screen about two months ago. i am actually using it right now, with an old crt i have. he told me and his parents that he didnt drop it or step on it. now, since he is twelve, none of us believed him. then yesterday my uncle asked if i had heard about acer having screwed up screens, because his mother was going to buy one from walmart (15 in. 2 or 3 GB ram 250 GB HDD i think, only 300 bucks). i told him i havent heard anything, and i figured it had a sempron in it, so i told him it would be fine for just email (she isnt exactly a "techy" person). but then, i started looking tonight at new screens/suggestions, and found that ALOT of people have said there screens just broke, with no droping or anything. i said all that to ask this: 1 is acer a bad brand? should i tell her to take it back while she still can? 2 any suggestions on fixing THIS screen (acer aspire one A0751h). and 3 are their screens defective? thanks, i love this site! :)
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    Portlock - Oahu

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is acer a bad brand?

Some people like them, some don't. You'll get feedback like this for any brand. Haven't heard about bad screens though, but then haven't been looking at Acers recently. Personally, I don't care for them.
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    BSOD Warrior/Computer Surgeon

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Most of the time a cracked screen is due to accidental damage. LCD's Are Extremely strong when left along to do what they do. It is little to do with It is actually relatively hard and takes a bit of force(or small sudden force) to crack a LCD. However about any type of "shock" can crack a LCD including heat.

Now personalty I don't like Acers but for the same reason I don't like Macs. I have a long history of dislike for both companies most of it personal preference that is not based upon fact anymore.
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Haha +1 tux, I got a major thing against most of the big companies eh... they all have their issues.

For the Acer screen, it depends on the extent of the damage itself. If it is physical damage then you would be able to see cause of this, like physical cracks and stress points around the screen where it has been twisted/compressed. Or you will find (what happened to me recently) liquid stains on the screen, which in my case was indicative of liquid spilling on the screen and running down into the insides of it... And yes I denied him warranty! If he asks for proof I will show him the photos where I stripped it down and inspected to cover our backs. It has been in the shop for over a week now and I think he still wants us to fix it, instead he gets hit with a service inspection charge. Tough on him but that's the way business works I guess, I've done the work and have proof that it's not a warranty issue, and my family need to eat.

Otherwise anything random which would be a defect of the screen itself would show no signs of damage and therefore would be claimable (if it's under warranty which should be covered, especially under Australian law, not sure about other country warranty laws).
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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My two cents,
First, if there is no sign if physical damage, and the screen lights up, I would suspect the video card and/or video drivers.
Try shineing a bright light on to the screen and see if you can see what is supposed to be there.
If you see the screen with the light than your CFB back light is burned out.
As far as the Acer brand, Acer, gateway, and Emachine are all made by Emachine. The components inside are lower cost (why you can buy a laptop for $299.00)
I would read the fine print to make sure that you do not have to sign a two year contract for any thing to get that price.
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IP Man

IP Man


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I love Acer laptop. I have Acer laptop at home and so far so good. No problem so far. In my opinion if you want buy laptop check specifications and find cheap price. Do not forget buy extended warranty. That is important as many laptop start problem after 1 year. My friend of mind bought HP laptop after a year later his laptop broken. I think overheat problem so to repair cost him $1000, so it's better buy a new one.
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