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Why isn't somebody replying to my topic?? I also posted in the waiting room.. But still no joy..

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Still no reply.. What this forum is about?? Why you people are killing the precious time of people?? If you are not willing to help, have the moral courage to tell straight away.. Why you keep hanging threads and kill the precious time of others..

I know all people are volunteers here But now it is over 4 days with no replies.. Sorry but I am disappointed from your forum.. I am going and as a protest i request mods/admins to close or delete my all the threads I created..


Edited by Prince112, 11 August 2010 - 01:17 AM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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We're all vollunteers here, even the owner of the site does this for fun and because he likes helping people out. We all have other things to do other than work here, but we choose to offer as much help as possible when we do have spare time. and we do it for free.

if you haven't noticed this forum has close to 2,000,000 posts and almost 330,000 members. That's a lot to keep up with. sometimes something/someone will slip through the cracks.

Add to the sheer volume of posts, the fact that not everyone is a specialist in every aspect of computer support and the number of things that might go a few days without an answer grows.

While we make every attempt to make sure that every post gets answered and hopefully ends in a successful fix, we're not perfect. if you can't be patient enough to wait for one of our vollunteers to attempt to fix your computer FOR FREE, then you are more than welcome to seek out another resource that will charge you for their services.

I am going and as a protest i request mods/admins to close or delete my all the threads I created..

we're not in the habit of doing this. if you re-read the TOU of this forum, you'll note that once you post here, the content of your posts become the property of the forum, which means we can choose what happens with them
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I already said I knew all are volunteers.. And i also know everybody here has a family to attend..

But, everybody has time for all other threads except my thread?????

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    Tech Staff

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Your topic shows 4 replies when viewed on the board index. This would lead our techs to believe you are receiving help and they move on to a topic showing 0 replies.

Had you not made multiple replies to your own topic, you would likely have received help in a timely manner.

That said, I'll see if I can point someone in your direction.
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Thanks a lot.. Appreciate it :)
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