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Problem with booting

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Hello there. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but couldnt find a better place.

First of all im kinda new with this stuff, so ill just go right to the problem.
My computer has been fine for a many monthes now, and just got home from a LAN and was about to boot my computer.
The comp started running, but an "Error" accoured.

Warning!!! The previous overclocking has failed,
and stystem will restore its default setting.
Press any key to continue...

The computer is on for about 30 seconds, and then it reboots again automaticly.
Now i haven't tried to overclock my computer, dont really know how to do it tbh.
Had this problem over half a year ago as well, at that time it fixed it self over time (dont ask me how)
but now it doesnt seem to fix it self.
when i try to enter the bios i have about 10 seconds before it reboots. I've managed to just press "Save and exit". some times it just reboots and
shows the message again. But some times it reboots and windows starts booting, stops half way and then all over again.

What i dont understand is why the computer reboots all the time without a reason. so can overheating be a problem or something?
The odd thing is that the computer worked just fine like 6 hours before the problem started. i just turned the comp off, moved it home, and started it again.

Hope there aqre someone with answers out there :)
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