When I turn the system on it will stay on for anywhere from 5 seconds to a few minutes. I was granted one day where I used a box fan to keep everything cool that it stayed on for 15 mins. I saw the CPU temp hit 84 and kick off. Thinking that it was a cooling problem I recently bought a new CPU fan (Dream X 4) and Case fan (little 70MM). Once I started it up it seemed like things were in the green. I went out to pick my son up from school and it was off. I turned it back on and ta da! It shut off again. So now I'm thinking its a PS problem. I know it's getting plenty of air flow throughout the case now because the old fans had cigarette tar on them and everything else. The PS that is in it I bought from a local PC shop it's only 350W. I have a Pentium 4 processor. 2G of ram. 3 Cd/burn drives, but only one is hooked up and the HD plugged up. When it turns on it does the usual one beep so I was thinking all was good. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to try those out before I sink anything else into this box of garbage. I was only wanting to keep it as a burning station pretty much. I'm planning on getting a new gaming system soon. If you need anymore details just ask and I'll be checking the topic frequently.