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Malware, Data miner, BHQ, Dialer problemz

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I use my computer only for Internet purposes and recently it flooded with all kinds of viruses....I downloaded the free scan version of XoftSpy 4.13 and it detected all of them i then could'nt delete on my own:
1) isearch toolbar ( it has a desktosarch that doesn't go away evre!) and many other links of it or like it i donno...it's a malware and is regarded to be of high threat.
2) PeopleOnPage (it maily comes in links as cxtpls.exe and all) (it maily comes in links as cxtpls.exe and all) and many other links of it or like it i donno....it's a dataminer and also of high threat....
3)TIB Browser of only one link called C:\Windows\frennk.dll and TIBS Dialer in a registry key.
4)VX2 a BHQ in a registry key supposedly helpin isearch toolbar...
there are a lotta objects for da first two....
not enough my computer's so slow it now takes hours for anything and is very irritating..i need some good genius 4 dis
please help me..
thanks a lot....
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Retired Tech

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You should run Hijack This and post the log to the malware section of these forums


X-Cleaner should remove Isearch


Still run Hijack even if it does
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