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Help with blue screen of death

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Hello everyone,

My dad has a new computer with Windows 7 32 bit, its about a month old and when its not blue screening it works great. In the last couple of weeks my dads computer has been blue screening a lot. I looked and saved his logs using blue screen viewer and looked around a bit to see what was causing the computer to blue screen. I think but I'm not 100% sure that the on board Network interface controller (NIC Card) is what is cause the blue screens. Now because don't really know how to fully read the blue screen logs and don't fully understand them I thought I would post them here and let some one that does fully understand them take a look and tell me what they think the problem is. I did run a 16 hour mem test on the computer with no errors but I'm not ruling anything out at this point. I also have a remote access to my dad computer so if you any more info on the computer, hardware or anything else please just let me know and I will get posted on here as fast as I can. Any and all help is and will be greatly appreciate.

Thanks Jay

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  • Attached File  bsod.txt   35.33KB   234 downloads

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    Malware Expert

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See if disabling Kaspersky might help ... Download Microsoft Security Essentials first! http://www.microsoft...ity_Essentials/
Go offline, disable Kaspersky in msconfig (startup) and also in 'services'. Now install MSE going back online to get all updates.

This is just a small experiment to see if you still get BSODS.
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