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Cyber Bullying - Cyber world's ideas

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I am not a computer expert or programmer. I was thinking about the recent attention to cyber bullying. Could a code be written and stashed in a remote location of the operating system, that could be added to a computer,: this would bring up a short message on cyber bullying under certain circumstances (like logging onto a social network or something else) maybe directing the user to click on a link, that would provide updates on prosecution of cyber bullies, or a counselor site about it. Maybe sometimes a message like "cyber world IS the real world. If you can't say it in a room full of your peers, don't say it"

Anybody have a cyber solution to cyber bullying? I don't think it will be solved without the talented "geek" and cyber world getting involved. But how?

Hope this stirs some thoughts.
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    GeekU Admin

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I don't see how an automated message would fix anything. While cyberbullying has the anonymity of being performed online, bullying has been around for years. Simply logging into a social networking site isn't enough to trigger a warning; that would make many of us the target of those warnings, when most of us are innocent.
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This is the problem with Facebook. So many problems take place there and Facebook doesn't give any warnings or anything. I think if someone signs up under the age of 18 it should tell them that cyber bullying will result in your Facebook account being banned, or something along the lines.
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