to give myself experience till I can get an IT job.
but it seems like night and day as to what I have learned in class verses what actually takes place in trouble shooting. Granted the teacher I had only wanted us to memorize the book to pass the A+ cert. unfortunately we never had a whole lot of lab time to apply what we learned in relation to fixing pc's!
So yah, hey I passed the A+. Great, But what do I do now?
My goal is getting a job working on pc's or in a large corporation, But I am finding it tough with out the hands on, can someone please lead in the right direction. as to what I am going to need to know as far as pottential future classes and also some specialty programs that are geared towards trouble shooting and repair, spyware, secerity threats stuff like that. I mean like what does geek squad and those guys use to figure things out that exceeds the norm or obvious fix's.
So my thoughts at the moment are that untill someone give's me the opportunity to get my foot in the door. I would like to get my hands on as many of friends and families pc's as I can to give myself some hands. That way I can bring more to the table at an interview. So any and all replies would be greatly appreciated