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Windows 7 upgrade from xp

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I recently purchased a Windows 7 upgrade disc, thinking that i could use it to upgrade from xp. I was then informed that you cannot do this. Could i still use my windows 7 upgrade disc to do a clean install of the OS, or do i need to buy the full version.

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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Yes. Boot off the CD and you can do a clean install.
This will wipe the machine and you will lose everything on it, so be sure to back up what you want to keep before you do this.
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Windows 7 upgrade disc

This will look for a previous Vista version to upgrade from I believe.
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Spirit Wolfe

Spirit Wolfe


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Uunfortunately, rshaffer61, is absolutely correct!

You cannot utilize a Windows 7 upgrade disk to perform a full,clean install of Windows 7 operating system. The installation process is different. I would return it to the store (provided the seal is not breached) and purchase the full version of Windows 7.

BUT...I do not know how well this holds true to form....

Within the EULA (End Users License Agreement) from Microsoft you cannot purchase an OEM copy (which is the same as a RETAIL copy but without all of the packaging and "extras") of Windows 7 and install it on a machine you are building for someone. It must have a RETAIL copy installed upon it. I think this is another way for Micro$oft to $cam us out of more money, go figure. :D

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You cannot utilize a Windows 7 upgrade disk to perform a full,clean install of Windows 7 operating system. The installation process is different. I would return it to the store (provided the seal is not breached) and purchase the full version of Windows 7.

Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows >
Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media

Within the EULA ... you cannot purchase an OEM copy ... of Windows 7 and install it on a machine you are building for someone.

Sure you can. But, as soon as you affix the Windows Product Key sticker to the computer you just built, (which is required), YOU, the system assembler are now responsible for end-user support for Windows on that particular computer.
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Within the EULA ... you cannot purchase an OEM copy ... of Windows 7 and install it on a machine you are building for someone.

I agree with Spy on this one as this is what I use to do.
The shop I worked for did nothing but OEM installations. We would custom build a system and install the OS using only OEM disks. Include that disk with the software for the system which normally was nothing more then drivers disk for motherboard and any add on cards.
The reg key was attached to the side of the system and appropriate warranty information for parts included.
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