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stolen bike

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Ok so someone stole my bike while i was working last night, needless to say it was a long walk home. i did a police report and asked to check camera footage etc.

So iv been thinking, if i stole someones bike, (very expensive and extremely hard to ride bike) i would probably pawn it off, so im goig to go ask around the local bike shops and second hand shops etc.

any other ideas of things to do??

My bike was worth about 2k and the shoes you use are clip ins and hard to use for someone who hasnt used them before, so assuming some punk kid flogged my bike, what else would you do if u werent going to ride it.

any ideas at all guys??

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Considering your bike was rather expensive, what you may find is that someone (or a group) is specifically targeting those types of bikes. Then it could be quite organised such as stripping it down to parts and distributing them to other areas of the country to be sold off.

I've heard of plenty of gangs that work like this with all manner of things (in particular, cars) and stuff is rarely recovered. The brakes may be sold 50km west while the rims are still travelling 500km east etc etc...

Let's hope it was just some punk brat and you find it soon.
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Do you have the serial number? Most states consider bicycles to be vehicles and the Department of Motor Vehicles should be able to enter the identification data into the national registry of stolen vehicles. Are there any associations of racers or bike builders who also keep track of these situations?

How well secured was it; if well, then Troy may be correct in guessing that some gang took it for its components which are harder to trace.
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It's sad what people will steal now days. When I was a kid we found a bike in our front yard by a large tree. It was a rather expensive bike. My parents asked around and no one knew who the bike belonged too. After reporting it to the police we found out that there had been a string of cases where bikes had been stolen in our town. Why it got left in our front yard, I have no clue and the people that were doing it never got caught. It just stopped.
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I also met this situation before.It's sad what people will steal now days.
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i had two bikes stolen from me before, though it isnt worth as much as 2k, it still worth a lot to me.
I would say, new young ones who stole your bike could take out parts from it and sell it parts by parts (they make more money like that) since my brother buys cheap bikes and sells their parts for fortune, i know.
I would suggest you not to steal from others, i mean you already felt how it was having your bike stolen. Why will you want to cause pain to others?
Check online for bike parts, check their image, perhaps the date and the image that's shown would match the bike you own. (:
After a bad luck always follows a good luck.
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