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VBS create rar files.

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Hi there fellow geeks.

I'm wondering how to get this result with VBS:

FileName.rar Containing:

Note, Password.txt not having a star and thus not having a password.
I have tried a wide variety of switches and also made a lot of google searches for a few days, but I can't find it.

So basically, I'm wondering what switches, syntax and order I have to put the command, in order to achieve the "Password.txt" to be accessible without password.
Thank you for you time in advance.

Oh, I'm not trying to make fake rars that you see at download centra.
I'm trying to use this for my work, to easily and most of all safely, store back-ups of customers.
The password in the Password.txt is encoded with my own unique encoding script and is only decodable by my own decode script.

Edited by IO-error, 07 November 2010 - 06:56 AM.

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I found out how to do it.
So, here it is:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	sh.run("""C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"" a -m5 -en " &Bdir &" " &PassFile)	'Bdir is location to save the rarfile to.
		Wscript.Sleep 100	'You know what this does.
	sh.run("""C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"" a -m5 -ed -p" &Pass &" " &Bdir &" " &Target)'Pass is the password to encode with, Target is the dirs to save.

"-en" will prevent the rarfile to close.
"-ed" leaves out empty directory's.
"-m5" max compression ratio.

This seemed the right way to do what I wanted.
I hope others have some use of this.

Edited by IO-error, 08 November 2010 - 12:04 PM.

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