Asks a user for a Username and Password.
It verifies that both Username and Password are correct by calling another predefined flow chart called
Authenticate for the answer.
If the result of the predefine flowchart Authenticate is TRUE, then program should display that “Access is
Granted” otherwise if it’s FALSE display “Access Denied”.
Repeat this process for every user that logs in.
End the program when the Username or Password is equal to -1
The Authenticate predefined flow chart works as follows:
1) Takes in as input both Username and Password
2) Search the Array Database of USERNAMES & PASSWORDS & Compares the Username and Password it
received to THOSE stored username and a Stored password IN THE DATABASE.
3) If both these values match then result is TRUE, otherwise FALSE
The way I designed my flowchart to look like was
It starts at login page then goes to username then goes to password which both (username & Password) then point to another flowchart which is called authenticate the username and password comes out and goes to an array/database box for credintials checking and if the result is the true match it is granted and else it gets denied and the whole thing end if's when the username or password is equal to -1 ...what i dont get is how to repeat this process for every user that logs in and i dont know if any one my current flow is correct