Welp. Lets face it, I'm full of problems.

As the title suggests, I'm having an issue with my phone..actually more or less my mom is. See, she activated the...Parental Controls thing, Restrictions if you look at it on an iPhone, in the Settings-General-Restrictions area..except time has passed since she has done so and now she can't even remember the password!
And I'm pretty sure some of you have the gears going in your head thinking I just want to bypass the password. This, my friends, is In-Corr-Ect. Don't believe me I'll lend ya my mums # and you can even ask her.
Word to point, is there a way to reset the restrictions' password? She's already tried numerous attempts at it, but now each time she 'fails' (According to the phone) to type in the correct password, it has us wait longer and longer between trying it again.
Any help with this would be great!