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PC won't boot at all!

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Ok, I have been reading other poeples problems hoping to find some info that would help me fix my problem but no luck so here is my problem,
I have sucessfully removed malware from my computer and saved it from viruses so when a friend of mine called me saying his computer was infected and wont work due to a virus can I fix it, I said yes with confidence but I am stuck. He has a sony Vaio desktop running windows xp. i tunrned on his computer and the 1st screen that pops up is where it list the hardware the computer has and it wont go any further along I hit all function keys and esc and del. to try to get something or go into bios but it seems as if the keyboard is not working (which after testing on a diff. comp. I know the keyboard works) I removed his harddrive and put it in my comp. booted the comp into safe mode with networking downloaded anit-malware program and sucessfully removed the viruses from the harddrive, put the hard drive back in his comp. and still the same thing computer wont boot. I took the motherboard battery out of the comp. and put it back in the turned the comp. on and a different screen popped up and said to press either F1 or F2 I try both but it doesnt seem the computer achknowledges the keyboard so I removed the jumper from the MOBO to reset CMOS and put the jumper back in correct postion but still same screen I have tried wireless keyboard with usb adapter and a wired usb keyboard, I just want to boot into bios or get the computer to boot in any mode plz help!!!
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I used a ps2 adapter to plug my usb keyboard into computers ps2 slot still nothing.....
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