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Heur Exploit Script virus looping to blue screen on start up

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I'm not sure if I should continue with this thread or start a new one so I would be grateful if you could advise me which one to do?

The laptop has been working fine until we had a new router installed. I had no problems connecting it up the first time but after that no matter what I do it will not hold it's connection. It connects and then disconnects. The router can ping the laptop but the laptop cannot ping anything. Network diagnostics does not identify any problems either. I've tried adjusting the settings and using safe mode.

It's probably nothing to do with the original virus but I did notice that I have a problem with the microsoft kernel accoustic echo canceller and as I think that the virus came through via a music site, I was wondering if it was relevant? Avast and MAMB cannot find anything but they have not been updated.
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