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This is my first shot at this forum and also the first ever...to be frank. My life is screwed up...thanks to recession(I know that I may not be the only one) and my ever changing and utterly confused state of mind. So I sat one day and made a plan...Now there's this little thing...my plan includes CCNA certification in flat 2 months from today...I am referring Todd Lammle's book and have downloaded few simulators too......I wonder if any one out here..would like to suggest how can I perform this little thing in approx 8 weeks ?

Your little help and advise will surely help me a lot...and I thank you for obliging me.
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How long for CCNA? - The Cisco Learning Network

Re: How long for CCNA?
If you have experience with networks, it's likely to take about 40 hrs to 60 hrs.

If you are a total newbie, then it's possible to take about 80 hrs to 160 hrs.

FYI - An instructor led CCNA class is about 5 days (40hrs)

There are 168 hours in a week, 720 in a 30-day month.

CCNA - Career Certifications & Paths - Cisco Systems

Edited by SpywareDr, 19 January 2011 - 07:43 AM.

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