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Wont boot from black screen

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HI there many of you may have seen a similar thread to this but, let me assure you after extensive searching i cannot pin down an answer to my problem.

I have a dell laptop inspiron 1545, running windows 7. The last thing I did was donwload a file. After opening this file my computer immediately turned off. It did not shut down it just turned off. Now when i try to start it up it shows me the dell loading screen then immediately after that it stops at a black screen with a blinking cursor. Now bios know my harddrive is there in case you're curious. I tried using a recovery disk I made from a torrent online but when i set up the boot sequence to only boot from a disc, iget a no bootable devices error. Froom what i hear if i can just get a recovery disc to load i should be able to fix the problem but even that doenst work right now, Somebody please help me.
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Hi judgementfrog,

You try could burning the iso using imgburn. I found it to be effective in creating bootable CD on many occasion.

Download, and install ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/
  • Insert blank CD into your CD drive.
  • Open ImgBurn, and click on Write image file to disc
  • Click on Browse for a file... icon:

Posted Image

  • Locate .iso file, and click Open button.
  • Click on ImgBurn green arrow to start burning bootable CD:

Posted Image

  • Once the CD is created, boot from it. [/B]

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