OK here goes we have a Dell Dimension 2400. OS Windows XP.
Our virus protector was windows defender.
My husband received a malware called security shield & called me to "take care of it". The computer kept giving me wierd warnings about my harddrive being to full while I was trying to figure out how to get rid of security shield. Not more than 5 minutes after the malware started running this happened....
All of the sudden the system did a warm boot without my prompt & Windows XP no longer boots, just a blinking cursor. No choice for safe mode.
Here is what I tried so far.
I downloaded and booted with the bootable AVG virus check and it detected no virus.
I downloaded and booted with Linux puppy and that seems to work fine.
I downloaded Windows memory diagnostic tool bootable and no memory problems were detected.
Interesting note- Windows Defender seemed to be completely removed from the computer I didn't do it, my husband didn't remove it. So I don't know how long the computer was unprotected.
I booted with the XP disc & ran the repair and it still won't boot up although it appears to have run successfully. I never got to the part where it asks for the KEY which I can't find.
I am running with Knoppix right now- I told my husband I would do my best to save his microsoft outlook contacts & the information from the harddrive, but I am completely unfamiliar with Knoppix. We do have a terrabyte external harddrive to back up into if needed.
Thank you for any assistance you might be able to provide.
I know that everyone has a job & I have now taken two hours off from mine to assist my husband. I'll check back once every hour although I don't expect immediate service. (We are thinking that our 7 year old computer may not be worth fixing again- I already had to do a disc kill once & reloading the OS) If you deem this computer unsalvagable can you help me backup the harddrive & recommend a new computer. We don't play video games, but my husband makes movies, is a photographer and writer for a living. He does seem to need a lot of memory- thus multipe harddrives and have been purchased.